中华树艺师公会(China Arborist Association,简称 CAA ), 原來叫做 "國際樹木學會中國地區分會"(http://isahkchina.blogspot.hk/ ),是负责发展和管理大中华地区内树艺行业的专业组织。
本会从2004年创会至今, 是目前区内最大和历史最悠久的民间树艺组织,也是把树艺行业带进了本地区的机构。 "树艺" (Arboriculture)、 "树艺师" (Arborist) 和 "攀树师" (Certified Tree Worker) 这些名词,也是由本会会长欧永森先生在 2004 年起发明创造出来,源用至今。 欧会长是目前世界上唯一的华人 "顾问树艺师" (Registered Consulting Arborist, www.asca-consultants.org),也是唯一的同时是美洲、澳洲和英国顾问树艺师学会专业会员的人,史无前例。
至2016年3月底, 本会已拥有总会员人数超过 7,000人, 来自各行各业, 分布在两岸四地和全球各地, 而数量稳定增长。
观看本网站也等如检阅大中华地区的树艺行业发展史,怎样从香港一个人的顽固开始,慢慢的扩散到两岸四地,令行业不断壮大。 本网站内有大量的历史图片资料留为證据,也希望其能被永远的保存下去,不被洗掉,以供後人继往开来,参考使用。
CAA 经常在两岸四地举办各类的树艺知识讲座和攀树工作示范, 亦将在 2014 年起, 开始推行使用中文教考的各类树艺师牌照的训练和考试, 以满足本地区的巨大需求。
CAA 设立 ‘公众会员' 和 ‘专业会员’制度; 当中的 ‘公众会员' ,是不论背景, 欢迎任何人仕参加。 參加者只需報上真实姓名、年齡、工作/学习单位、职位、最高学历、电邮、和手机号, 发至 egc@netvigator.com即可登记, 会费全免, 会籍保密。 参加“专业会员”类别, 申请者必须持有由本会认可的专业树艺证书, 填写表格,付上费用, 才能加入。 两类会员的详情,可查看本网页的“会章”部份, 或电邮至本会查询。
本會除了發送週訊 (http://www.chinaarbor.com/home/%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E9%83%A8%E8%90%BD-blog-%E8%A8%8A%E6%81%AF/) 以外,亦每週數次在 "臉書" (https://www.facebook.com/chinaarbor) 上面發送最新訊息,敬請前往瀏覽觀摩。
China Arborist Association (CAA) represents the Arborist Profession in the China Region. We offer
training, credential exams, seminars and tree work
workshops all in Chinese. We are the first & the largest in our territory, formerly known as ISA HK/China. This website records the history of the development of the Arborist Profession
in our place, practically from the stubbornness of a
single person from Hong Kong to its present day, with huge amount of historic photos as evidence.
CAA membership exceeded 7,000 no. by the end of March 2016, and we are continuously growing. Our members come from all walks of life, & spread
across the huge territory of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and China, as well as some from overseas
CAA has active liaison with overseasArborist Organizations
and constantly share our experience with them. We organize and exchange
visit from time to time to interact with our overseas
friends and counterparts.
Besides issuing regular messages on our Weekly Station Mail (http://www.chinaarbor.com/home/%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E9%83%A8%E8%90%BD-blog-%E8%A8%8A%E6%81%AF/ ), CAA maintains a Facebook account (https://www.facebook.com/chinaarbor ) with updated information on local events. Please browse at your leisure.
The official language of CAA is Chinese, but the majority of our staff can handle English. Anyone is welcome to contact us at egc@netvigator.com for any enquiries.